Hormone Imbalance in Men: 10 Things You Need to Know

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Fluctuating hormones are most commonly associated with women. However, men experience this, too.

In fact, they even go through the male equivalent of the menopause. This is a subject that’s not talked about enough. The lack of conversation leaves many men in the dark about what their hormones are doing to their bodies.

In this article, we’ll tell you the most common effects of hormone imbalance in men.

10 Interesting Facts About Hormone Imbalance in Men

Hormones affect the body in various ways, from energy and emotions to body composition. Here are some of the facts you need to know:

1. It Causes Hair Loss

There is a strong link between testosterone and hair.

A drop in hormone levels is responsible for hair loss. At the same time, it can cause hair to grow in new places, too.

Male pattern baldness is often genetic. However, it can be brought on by a hormone imbalance in men. DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) is the specific form of testosterone responsible for this.

It’s derived from the hormone by an enzyme. Once produced, it starts to attack hair follicles.

This can be temporary, allowing the hair to grow back. Unfortunately, in many cases, it causes permanent baldness.

2. Testosterone Doesn’t Fuel Aggression

The idea that testosterone causes men to become more aggressive is a myth.

This misconception that the male sex hormone drives risky, confrontational, competitive behavior is a damaging one. Instead, this behavior is generally caused other biological and social factors.

However, testosterone can reduce the ability to read the emotions of others.

3. Men Can Develop Breasts

A condition called Gynecomastia can cause breast tissue to develop in men.

Hormone imbalance in men triggers this condition. That’s why it’s often seen during puberty. In most teenage cases, the condition only lasts for a few months.

For middle-aged men, gynecomastia can be more persistent. It’s known to occur during andropause or ‘male menopause,’ and is a result of increased levels of estrogen.

It can also be caused by obesity and consumption of alcohol, drugs, and herbal products that are high in estrogen.

4. Low Libido and Erectile Dysfunction are Common

Testosterone is mostly associated with a high sex drive. However, it can be responsible for a lacking libido, too.

In fact, it causes many men to suffer from erectile dysfunction. While this problem is common in older men, it can occur at any age. In fact, 1 in 4 men who seek treatment for it is under the age of 40.

Testosterone stimulates receptors in the brain which release nitric oxide. This then causes a series of chemical reactions, which cause an erection. Without adequate testosterone, this can’t occur.

Men with low levels of testosterone will see their sex drive start to wane, whatever their age.

5. Men Have Hormone Cycles, Too

Just like women, men experience monthly cycles.

Men’s hormones fluctuate on a monthly and even daily basis. They also affect biological processes, moods, and emotions in many of the same ways they do in women.

Men can become stressed, grumpy, and irritable, with moods sometimes changing from one extreme to another.

6. Excess Estrogen Causes Weight Gain

Men’s testosterone allows them to build a muscular physique. This is why they generally have more lean muscle mass and higher metabolism. It also means that they lose weight more easily than women do.

However, when there isn’t enough of this hormone, they often begin to start piling on the pounds.

Hormone imbalance in men often means that testosterone drops while estrogen rise. As a result, weight gain starts to occur. This can come seemingly out of nowhere, even when there has been no change in diet or physical activity.

7. You May Feel More Fatigued

If you struggle to muster up enough energy to face your day, even after a good night’s sleep, your hormones may be to blame.

Insomnia, irritability, stress and night sweats caused by a hormone imbalance in men can all contribute to fatigue.

The combination of all these factors causes you to lose sleep, making you feel more tired than you used to.

8. You Can Become Depressed

There is a strong link between low testosterone levels and depression.

Hormones often dictate moods, and hormone imbalance in men can wreak havoc with their emotions. If you find yourself feeling depressed later in life, low testosterone could be a contributing factor.

Common symptoms include persistent fatigue, irritability, lack of motivation, and a decrease in sex drive.

9. Alcohol Lowers Testosterone

Drinking alcohol can cause your testosterone levels to dip.

A few drinks here and there won’t be an issue. However, regular overconsumption of alcohol can be a huge problem for testosterone production.

It does this by causing damage to body tissues and triggering the release of testosterone-inhibiting endorphins. On top of all that, it can even convert testosterone to estrogen.

This is why men who suffer from alcoholism often have below average levels of testosterone and above average levels of estrogen.

10. Hot Flashes Aren’t Just for Menopausal Women

Hot flashes and night sweats are common symptoms of the menopause. However, they’re not limited to just women. It’s quite common for men to experience them, too.

They happen when low testosterone levels trick the brain into thinking the body is overheated. In response, blood vessels near the surface of the skin widen. This causes sweating, along with a ref, flushes appearance.

These flashes usually come on suddenly without warning and can be extremely uncomfortable. They may only last a few minutes before passing and are commonly followed by a cold sweat.

Some men may experience hot flashes very rarely, while others will deal with them several times a day. Frequency fluctuates along with hormone levels. Help is at Hand

The effects of hormone imbalance in men can be difficult to deal with. Fortunately, there is treatment available, which can reduce, eliminate and even reverse these symptoms.

The process starts with a detailed analysis of hormone levels through blood, saliva, and urine tests. Then, a bespoke treatment program is made.

Throughout the treatment, the individual needs of each patient are monitored and evaluated to make sure a perfect balance is achieved.

Read more about our hormone replacement therapy program to see if it could work for you.
