While the cause and effect relationship is not clear, it is apparent that there is a strong connection between weight gain in men and andropause related hormonal imbalances. Low testosterone and high cortisol seem to increase body fat, especially in the midsection, and decrease muscle mass in men. This body fat seems to further the hormonal imbalance by converting testosterone into estrogen. Male weight gain coupled with muscle loss means more weight to carry and less muscle to carry it with, resulting in fatigue and low energy levels.
Specific Hormonal Causes or Contributors to Male Weight Gain
Weight gain in men is affected by high stress or cortisol levels in the body. Prolonged heightened levels of cortisol put the body into survival mode and induce the production of fat cells and the decline of metabolism to store food for later use. The cortisol also increases appetite in order to procure energy for “fight or flight”. Male weight gain naturally follows.
High cortisol levels further diminish levels of testosterone, which already suffer during andropause. Low testosterone can cause low energy and fatigue, meaning less physical activity and weight gain in men. Thyroid disorders, particularly hypothyroidism, and low levels of the human growth hormone (HGH) often cause weight gain by way of decreasing the body’s metabolic rate.
The Solution: Male Weight Loss
The imbalances of several hormones come into play when talking about weight gain in men. It makes sense that balancing these hormones has a big impact on weight loss. With the help of bioidentical hormones, we can bring your testosterone, cortisol, estrogen, HGH and thyroid hormones, among others, into more optimal levels. This balance will provide the platform for weight loss to be much more attainable.
BodyLogicMD treats andropause weight gain in three parts: bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, nutrition plans, and a targeted supplement regimen as well as recommendations for routine physical activity. Following this treatment can make male weight loss a reality.
Contact the BodyLogicMD affiliated bioidentical hormone replacement therapy physician nearest you to schedule an appointment and learn more about how bioidentical hormone therapy is providing relief from weight gain in men.