Professional-Grade Supplements: The Preferred Choice
As more awareness emerges surrounding the benefits of nutraceuticals, the consumption of dietary supplements has become a more desirable – and seemingly safer treatment option for many. Yet, with hundreds of brands, stores, and online retailers asserting claims about their “top quality products”, it poses a question – what actually defines this statement?
At BodyLogicMD, we believe that supplements which are properly chosen, obtained from reliable sources, and of professional-grade are an important part of healthy aging and preventive health management. BodyLogicMD only selects what it believes to be the highest quality supplements from leading science-based manufacturers in the industry who meet and exceed advanced safety and quality standards.
We take pride in the efficacy and quality of our supplements, and we focus on three key elements to stand apart:
- Form
- Labeling
- Potency
Just as important as the ingredient itself – is the form of the ingredient used during constitution. BodyLogicMD supplements are created using raw materials with superior bioavailability – a quality of material sourcing not found in all supplements – to ensure you are receiving the greatest benefit possible.
For example, did you know that omega 3 fish oil comes in two forms, natural triglycerides and ethyl esters? Ethyl ester, which is cheaper and most commonly found in retail products, is technically a fish oil concentrate and semi-synthetic because it is modified on the molecular level making it eligible to be patented but also more difficult for the body to break down. The alternative – natural triglyceride fish oil – is the natural form of omega 3 in fish and is more highly and easily absorbed by the body than ethyl ester. In fact, one study shows that the triglyceride form of omega 3 has a 70% greater absorption rate than ethyl ester.1
Due to the expense of producing natural triglyceride fish oil, if your bottle doesn’t specify the form, it is most likely ethyl ester. So while the natural triglyceride form may be more expensive to purchase, with an absorption rate that blows ethyl ester out of the water, it’s safe to say – you get what you pay for. And that’s how we deliver all of our supplements to you – in a pure, natural form that the body can absorb so you’re not wasting your time, money, or health on something that is less than effective.
As more and more investigations have surfaced about the quality, safety, and efficacy of over-the-counter (OTC) supplements, it has revealed what many health-care experts have been concerned about for years: labeling inaccuracies.
In addition to unlisted and harmful ingredients included in many OTC supplements, another major concern is supplements only containing a trace amount of the labeled component. Interestingly, a study evaluated 55 OTC probiotic supplements and determined that 40% had undetectable limits of probiotic bacteria, meaning there were zero live bacteria in the product – and 47% of the remaining products had lower amounts of bacteria than labeled.2
Without OTC mandated quality-control standards, labeling inaccuracies are widespread with retail supplements. OTC products often claim a potency level of that when it was manufactured and not at the expiration date (see comparison below) – which can have a shelf life of up to 36 months from the time of creation. Yikes!
You can rest assured knowing that when you take BodyLogicMD supplements, you are receiving the listed ingredients with labeled dose. We don’t use tricky wordplay to try and convince you that our supplements are something they aren’t – they speak for themselves. Our products are consumer-friendly and labeled properly with the listed ingredients at the time of expiration.
We take the therapeutic potency of every supplement very seriously. All ingredients are backed with research, and every product includes the specific dosing of each ingredient. When was the last time you went to the drug store and bought a supplement thinking it would help but it had little to no effect? OTC products are often formulated with a dosage that is convenient for the price point, not for your health. For instance, many OTC fish oils are marketed at 180mg EPA/120mg DHA, whereas professional-grade fish oils like ours are listed at 430mg EPA/390mg DHA per capsule – almost three times as potent! This sets a mediocre supplement apart from a great supplement.
So, when you factor in the superior raw materials, higher absorption rates, accurate ingredient and dosage labeling, and greater potency, it comes as little surprise that healthcare experts prefer professional-grade supplements when making recommendations for their patients’ health. For more information on supplements that can help improve your quality of life today, contact a practitioner within the BodyLogicMD network today!
1 Dyerberg J, Madsen P, Møller JM, Aardestrup I, Schmidt EB. Bioavailability of marine n-3 fatty acid formulations. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2010;83(3):137-141. doi:10.1016/j.plefa.2010.06.007.
2 Temmerman R, Pot B, Huys G, Swings J. Identification and antibiotic susceptibility of bacterial isolates from probiotic products. Int J Food Microbiol. 2003;81(1):1-10